Currency Converter: Money Exchange Rates 💸

Easy and simple currency converter to check exchange rates.

Smartphone screenshot of Currency Converter app exchange Smartphone screenshot of Currency Converter app currencies

You will love our app because...

Take a look to our main app features. We are sure you would like to use Currency Converter: Money Exchange Rates :)

Simple interface

Fast & easy to use

Top exchange rates

Main world exchange rates included in app

Real time data

Constant updating of currency rates through Internet


Instant currency conversion by typing on the screen

Really useful for traveling

You will know the exchange rates in your destination country

Without complex options

Just select the 2 currencies you want to compare and get their value immediately

What our users think about the app

Read some of our valuable user's feedback:

Pere Pujol


¡Justo lo que necesitaba para cuando voy de viaje! Memorizar y aprenderte el cambio de moneda cuando viajas a un nuevo lugar es un engorro. Con esta App te olvidas de este problema. ¡Realmente útil!

Gemma Serrano


Super útil y fácil de usar! Me gusta que sea sencilla y directa. Con los tipos de cambio actualizados.

Ramón González


Para mí que soy una persona que viajo a menudo me es una herramienta super práctica, felicito a sus creadores

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